On this page you will find our partners. Together with them we implement our tasks.
Herberg HegelsomHerberg Hegelsom is our own hostel for all our (foreign) guests. To the SPRET trainings Herberg Hegelsom offers accommodation, food and beverage and in-house recreation. The possibilities are limitless!
ExamAssistExamAssist is specialized in the supervision and execution of exams. We are the full service provider to educational institutions during the exam and certification process.
ProvexProvex is as an executive organisation involved in the examining and audit processing. By cooperating with Provex, SPRET offers you the opportunity to independently test your trained skills or knowledge. Your certificate is immediately of value! Provex: You have to Prove it!
AAA ConsultancyAAA Consultancy Bernheze supports agricultural and related activities. In particular activities in agricultural research, consultancy, innovative projects in livestock farming and administrative handling, construction of certification trajectories.
DTCDairy Training Center is the (inter-)national training center for dairy farming and milk processing. DTC focuses on high-quality training provided by teachers who excel in their profession and thereby maximally embed innovations in the field and the learning method.
HAS University of applied sciencesHAS University of Applied Sciences is an educational and expertise centre in the sectors of agriculture, food and environment. HAS has offices in Den Bosch and Venlo. At HAS University of Applied Sciences, the dynamic triangle of students, teachers and the business community is central.
Wageningen University & ResearchWageningen University & Research combines the strengths of the university and specialized research institutes. The three core areas relate to 1) nutrition and food production, 2) living environment, and 3) health, lifestyle and living conditions.
Brightlands Campus Greenport VenloBrightlands is an open innovation community in a global context and connects four campuses where the joint attention is focused on health and sustainability. The campuses provide entrepreneurs, scientists and students with state-of-the-art facilities to support development, innovation and growth.